Alabama |
Create State E-file for Alabama State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Arizona |
Create State E-file for Arizona State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Arkansas |
Create State E-file for Arkansas State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
California |
E-file for California DE9, Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages, has been added. |
E-file for California DE9C, Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation), has been added. |
E-file for California DE6, Quarterly Wage and Withholding Report, has been removed. |
E-file for California DE7, Annual Reconciliation Statement, has been removed. |
E-pay for California DE88, Payroll Tax Deposit, has been modified. |
Note: To learn more about California’s change to Quarterly Reporting click here. |
Colorado |
Create State E-file for Colorado State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Connecticut |
Create State E-file for Connecticut State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Delaware |
Create State E-file for Delaware State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
District of Columbia |
Create State E-file for District of Columbia State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Florida |
E-file & pay for Florida UCT-6, Employer’s Quarterly Report, has been updated. |
Georgia |
Create State E-file for Georgia State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Idaho |
Create State E-file for Idaho State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Illinois |
E-file for Illinois State W-2, IL State W-2s Worksheet, has been updated. (21104) |
E-file for Illinois State W-2, IL State W-2s Worksheet, has been added. (21101) |
Create State E-file for Illinois State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Indiana |
E-file for Indiana WH-3, Annual Withholding Tax and State Wage and Tax Statements (W-2s), has been updated. (21101) |
E-file for Indiana WH-1, Withholding Tax, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: The Indiana WH-1 now includes payments as well as filing. (21101) |
Kansas |
Create State E-file for Kansas State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Kentucky |
Create State E-file for Kentucky State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Louisiana |
Create State E-file for Louisiana State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Maine |
Create State E-file for Maine State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Maryland |
Create State E-file for Maryland State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Massachusetts |
Create State E-file for Massachusetts State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Michigan |
Create State E-file for Michigan State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Minnesota |
Create State E-file for Minnesota State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Mississippi |
Create State E-file for Mississippi State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Missouri |
Create State E-file for Missouri State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Montana |
Create State E-file for Montana State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Nebraska |
Create State E-file for Nebraska State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
New Mexico |
Create State E-file for New Mexico State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
North Carolina |
Create State E-file for North Carolina State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
North Dakota |
Create State E-file for North Dakota State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Ohio |
Create State E-file for Ohio State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Oregon |
Create State E-file for Oregon State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Pennsylvania |
Create State E-file for Pennsylvania State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Rhode Island |
Create State E-file for Rhode Island State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
South Carolina |
Create State E-file for South Carolina State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Utah |
Create State E-file for Utah State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Vermont |
Create State E-file for Vermont State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been added. (21104) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21104) |
Virginia |
E-file for Virginia State W-2, VA State W-2s Worksheet, has been added. (21101) |
Create State E-file for Virginia State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
West Virginia |
Create State E-file for West Virginia State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |
Wisconsin |
E-file for Wisconsin State W-2, WI State W-2s Worksheet, has been updated. (21104) |
E-file for Wisconsin State W-2, WI State W-2s Worksheet, has been added. (21101) |
Create State E-file for Wisconsin State W-2, Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21101) |
Note: This functionality allows a file to be created in QuickBooks that you can submit to the agency. For more information click here. (21101) |