Important Subscriber Information:
- Intuit QuickBooks Payroll Subscribers: Federal forms updates are available to QuickBooks payroll subscribers.
- Intuit QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll, Enhanced Payroll Plus and Enhanced Payroll for Accountants subscribers: Federal and State forms and updates are available for QuickBooks. For a complete list of forms available in QuickBooks Enhanced Payroll, click here.
- Intuit QuickBooks Assisted Payroll: Federal and state forms are not available for Assisted customers as Intuit files tax forms as part of the service.
- Intuit QuickBooks Basic Payroll: Federal and state forms are not available for Basic Payroll customers.
Tax Form Updates for
QuickBooks 2019 |
Tax Form Updates |
Form 940 and Schedule A (Form 940) |
Schedule A (Form 940), Multi-state Employer and Credit Reduction, has been updated. (21912) |
Form 940 for Reporting Agents (available for Enhanced Payroll for Accountants payroll subscribers only), Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return, has been updated. (21912) |
Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Schedule A (Form 940), Multi-state Employer and Credit Reduction, has been updated. (21901) |
Form 940 for Reporting Agents (available for Enhanced Payroll for Accountants payroll subscribers only), Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Schedule A (Form 940 for Reporting Agents) (available for Enhanced Payroll for Accountants payroll subscribers only), Multi-state Employer and Credit Reduction, has been updated. (21901) |
Note: You might notice that the QuickBooks version of this form looks slightly different than the version of the form you receive from the IRS. This is because the IRS asks software vendors, like QuickBooks, to reproduce their forms in a slightly different format. Please be assured, however, that the IRS will accept the QuickBooks version of the form when you use it for your filings. |
Form 941 and Schedule B (Form 941) |
Form 941, Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return, has been updated. (21912) |
Form 941 for Reporting Agents (available for Enhanced Payroll for Accountants payroll subscribers only), Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return, has been updated. (21912) |
Form 941, Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return, has been updated. (21908) |
Form 941 for Reporting Agents (available for Enhanced Payroll for Accountants payroll subscribers only), Employer's QUARTERLY Federal Tax Return, has been updated. (21908) |
Form 941-V, Payment Voucher for 941, has been updated. (21908) |
Note: You might notice that the QuickBooks version of this form looks slightly different than the version of the form you receive from the IRS. This is because the IRS asks software vendors, like QuickBooks, to reproduce their forms in a slightly different format. Please be assured, however, that the IRS will accept the QuickBooks version of the form when you use it for your filings. |
Form 943 and 943A |
Form 943, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees, has been updated. (21912) |
Form 943, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees, has been updated. (21901) |
Form 943A, Argicultural Employer's Record of Federal Tax Liability, has been updated. (21901) |
Note: You might notice that the QuickBooks version of this form looks slightly different than the version of the form you receive from the IRS. This is because the IRS asks software vendors, like QuickBooks, to reproduce their forms in a slightly different format. Please be assured, however, that the IRS will accept the QuickBooks version of the form when you use it for your filings. |
Form 944 and 945A |
Form 944, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return, has been updated. (21912) |
Form 944 for Reporting Agents (available for Enhanced Payroll for Accountants payroll subscribers only), Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return, has been updated. (21912) |
Form 944, Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Form 945A, Annual Record of Federal Tax Liability, has been updated. (21901) |
Form 944 for Reporting Agents (available for Enhanced Payroll for Accountants payroll subscribers only), Employer’s ANNUAL Federal Tax Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Form 945A for Reporting Agents (available for Enhanced Payroll for Accountants payroll subscribers only), Annual Record of Federal Tax Liability, has been updated. (21901) |
Note: You might notice that the QuickBooks version of this form looks slightly different than the version of the form you receive from the IRS. This is because the IRS asks software vendors, like QuickBooks, to reproduce their forms in a slightly different format. Please be assured, however, that the IRS will accept the QuickBooks version of the form when you use it for your filings. |
Form W-2 / W-2c |
Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, has been updated. (21901) |
Form W-3 / W-3c |
Form W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21901) |
Tax Form Updates |
Alaska |
Form TQ01C, Quarterly Contribution Report, has been updated. |
Form TQ01C, Quarterly Contribution Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Arizona |
Form A1-QRT, Quarterly Withholding Tax Return, has been updated. (21908) |
Form A1-WP, Payment of Arizona Income Tax Withheld, has been updated. (21904) |
Form A1-APR, Annual Payment Withholding Tax Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Form A1-R, Withholding Reconciliation Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Form A1-T, Withholding Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21901) |
Arkansas |
Form AR3MAR, Employer's Annual Income Tax Reconciliation, has been updated. (21912) |
Form AR3MAR, Employer's Annual Income Tax Reconciliation, has been updated. (21901) |
California |
Form DE9, Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages, has been updated. (21912) |
Form DE9C, Quarterly Contribution Return and Report of Wages (Continuation), has been updated. (21912) |
Colorado |
Form UI QTD Report, Report to Complete UITR-1, Quarterly Report of Wages Paid and Premiums Owed, has been updated. (21912) |
Form UI QTD Report, Report to Complete UITR-1, Quarterly Report of Wages Paid and Premiums Owed, has been updated. (21908) |
Connecticut |
Form CT-W3, Annual Reconciliation of Withholding, has been updated. (21901) |
District of Columbia |
Form DOES-UC30, Employer's Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report, has been updated. |
Form FR-900Q, Employer's Withholding Tax - Quarterly Return, has been updated. (21908) |
Form FR-900P, Payment Voucher for Withholding Tax, has been updated. (21904) |
Form FR-900A, Employer's Withholding Tax - Annual Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Florida |
Form RT-6, Employer's Quarterly Report, has been updated. (21912) |
Form RT-6, Employer's Quarterly Report, has been updated. (21901) |
Georgia |
Form W-2, GA State W-2s Worksheet (E-file only), has been updated. (21902) |
Form G-1003, Income Statement Transmittal, has been updated. (21901) |
Form GA-V, Withholding Payment Voucher, has been updated. (21901) |
Form G-7, Quarterly Return for Quarterly Payer, has been updated. (21901) |
Form G-7, Quarterly Return for Monthly Payer, has been updated. (21901) |
Form G-7/Sch B, Quarterly Return for Semi-Weekly Payer (E-file only), has been updated. (21901) |
Hawaii |
Form HW-14, Withholding Tax Return, has been updated. (21908) |
Form VP-1W, Withholding Tax Payment Voucher, has been updated. (21904) |
Form HW-3, Employer's Annual Return and Reconciliation of Hawaii Income Tax Withheld from Wages, has been updated. (21901) |
Idaho |
Form 967, Annual Withholding Report - Monthly / Quarterly / Yearly Filers, has been updated. (21901) |
Illinois |
Form IL-941, Quarterly Withholding Income Tax Return, has been updated. (21908) |
Form UI-3/40, Employer's Contribution and Wage Report, has been updated. (21901) |
Form IL State W-2s, IL State W-2s Worksheet (E-file only), has been updated. (21901) |
Indiana |
Form UC-1, Report to Complete Quarterly Contribution Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Form UC-V, Quarterly Contribution Payment Voucher, has been added. (21908) |
Form WH-1, Withholding Tax, has been updated. (21904) |
Iowa |
Form 680434, Payment Voucher, has been removed. (21908) |
Form 44-105, Withholding Payment Voucher, has been updated. (21904) |
Kentucky |
Form UI-3, Employer's Quarterly Unemployment Wage & Tax Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Form K-5, Employer's Report of Withholding Tax Statements, has been updated. (21902) |
Form 42A806, Transmitter Report for Filing Kentucky Wage Statements, has been removed. (21901) |
Form K-5, Employer's Report of Withholding Tax Statements, has been added. (21901) |
Form UI-3, Employer's Quarterly Unemployment Wage & Tax Report, has been updated. (21901) |
Louisiana |
Form L-1, Employer's Return of Louisiana Withholding Tax, has been updated. (21908) |
Form L-3, Annual Income Tax Withholding Reconciliation, has been updated. (21901) |
Maine |
Form UC1, Unemployment Contributions Report (Seasonal Wages), has been added. (21912) |
Form UC1 (formerly UC1, Unemployment Contributions Report), Unemployment Contributions Report (Non-Seasonal Wages), has been updated. (21912) |
Form 941ME, Employer's Return of Maine Income Tax Withheld, has been updated. (21908) |
Form UC1, Unemployment Contributions Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Form W-3ME, Reconciliation of Income Tax Withheld, has been updated. (21901) |
Maryland |
Form MW506, Employer Return of Income Tax Withheld, has been updated. (21901) |
Form MW506M, Employer Return of Income Tax Withheld - Accelerated Filer, has been updated. (21901) |
Form MW508, Annual Employer Withholding Reconciliation Report, has been updated. (21901) |
Michigan |
Form 5080, Sales, Use and Withholding Taxes Monthly/Quarterly Return, has been updated. (21908) |
Form 5081, Annual Return for Sales, Use, and Withholding Taxes, has been updated. (21908) |
Form 5080, Sales, Use and Withholding Taxes Monthly/Quarterly Return, has been updated. (21904) |
Mississippi |
Form 89-105, Employer's Withholding Tax Return, has been updated. (21904) |
Form 89-140, Annual Information Return, has been updated. (21902) |
Form 89-140, Annual Information Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Form UI QTD Report, Report to Complete Mississippi Form UI-2/3, Employer's Quarterly Wage Report, has been updated. (21901) |
Missouri |
Form MODES-4, Quarterly Contribution and Wage Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Form MO W-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21901) |
Montana |
Form UI-5, Employer's Unemployment Insurance Quarterly Wage Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Form MW-1, Payment Coupon, has been updated. (21901) |
Nebraska |
Form UI 11T, Combined Tax Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Form 501N, Monthly Withholding Deposit, has been updated. (21904) |
Form W-3N, Reconciliation of Income Tax Withheld, has been updated. (21901) |
New Jersey |
Form NJ-W-3, Gross Income Tax Reconciliation of Tax Withheld, has been updated. (21901) |
New York |
Form NYS-45, Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting and Unemployment Insurance Return, has been updated. (21908) |
North Carolina |
Form NCUI 101, Employers Quarterly Tax and Wage Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Form NC-3, Annual Withholding Reconciliation for Quarterly Filers, has been updated. (21901) |
Form NC-5, Withholding Return (Quarterly or Monthly Payers), has been updated. (21901) |
Form NC-5P, Withholding Payment Voucher, has been updated. (21901) |
Form NC-5Q, Quarterly Withholding Return (Semi-weekly payers), has been updated. (21901) |
North Dakota |
Form 306, Income Tax Withholding Return, has been updated. (21904) |
Ohio |
Form IT-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21902) |
Form IT-941, Employer's Annual Reconciliation of Income Tax Withheld, has been updated. (21902) |
Form IT-3, Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statements, has been updated. (21901) |
Oregon |
Form OQ, Quarterly Tax Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Form OR-STT-V, Statewide Transit Tax Payment Voucher, has been updated. (21908) |
Form OR-STT-1, Quarterly Statewide Transit Tax Withholding Return, has been updated. (21908) |
Form OTC, Combined Payroll Tax Payment Coupon, has been updated. (21904) |
Form OR-STT-V, Statewide Transit Tax Payment Voucher, has been updated. (21904) |
Form OR-STT-1, Quarterly Statewide Transit Tax Withholding Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Form OR-STT-A, Annual Statewide Transit Tax Withholding Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Form OQ, Quarterly Tax Report, has been updated. (21901) |
Form WR, Annual Withholding Tax Reconciliation Report, has been updated. (21901) |
Form WA, Agriculture Annual Withholding Tax Return, has been updated. (21901) |
Pennsylvania |
Form REV-1667 AS, W-2 Transmittal, has been updated. (21901) |
Rhode Island |
Form TX-17, Quarterly Tax and Wage Report, has been updated. (21908) |
Form RI-941-M, Withholding Tax Return Monthly, has been updated. (21904) |
Form RI-941-QM, Withholding Tax Return Quarter Monthly, has been updated. (21904) |
South Carolina |
Form WH-1612, W2/1099 Transmittal Form for Paper/CD-ROM, has been updated. (21908) |
Form WH-1606, Withholding Fourth Quarter/Annual Reconciliation, has been updated. (21901) |
Form WH-1612, W2/1099 Transmittal Form for Paper/CD-ROM, has been updated. (21901) |
Tennessee |
Form UI QTD Report, Report to Complete Quarterly Premium and Wage Report, has been updated. (21901) |
Utah |
Form UI QTD (formerly Form 33H, Employer's Contribution Report), report to Complete Employer's Quarterly UI Return, has been updated. (21912) |
Form W-2, UT State W-2s Worksheet (E-file only), has been added. (21902) |
Form TC-941E, 2018 Utah Withholding Return for Employers (Quarterly Filers), has been updated. (21902) |
Form TC-941A, 2018 Utah Withholding Return for Employers (Annual Filers), has been updated. (21902) |
Form TC-941E, 2018 Utah Withholding Return for Employers (Quarterly Filers), has been updated. (21901) |
Form TC-941A, 2018 Utah Withholding Return for Employers (Annual Filers), has been updated. (21901) |
Virginia |
Form VA-W, Withholding Transmittal for Submitting Paper W-2 and 1099 Forms, has been updated. (21901) |
Form VA-6, Employer's Annual or Final Summary of Income Tax Withheld, has been updated. (21901) |
Washington |
Form UI QTD (formerly Form 5208 A, Payroll Report to Complete 5208 A/B), report to Complete Employer's Quarterly UI Return, has been updated. (21912) |
Form PFML, Paid Family and Medical Leave Reporting Worksheet, has been added. (21908) |
West Virginia |
Form WV/IT-101Q, Employer's Quarterly Return of Income Tax Withheld, has been updated. (21912) |
Form WV/IT-103, Annual Reconciliation, has been updated. (21901) |
Wisconsin |
Form WT-6, Tax Deposit Report, has been updated. (21904) |
Form W-2, WI State W-2s Worksheet (E-file only), has been updated. (21901) |
Disclaimer: The information contained on these pages is meant
to provide general information about the payroll process.
It is not intended to provide comprehensive tax or legal advice
and does not modify or extend the service guarantee to any
Intuit product or service. You are responsible for consulting
with your own professional tax advisor, accountant, and/or
attorney concerning your business' specific concerns.